


Saturday, June 21, 2014

God's Rest

·         What group of people was refused entrance into the Lord’s rest? The fathers of the Hebrews
·         What sins caused them to forfeit this privilege? They hardened their hearts and even thought the Lord showed Himself to them, they did not know Him
·         How does Doctrine and Covenants 84:23–24 help define what is the Lord’s rest? It says that it is His presence and the fullness of His glory.
·         What sins did Paul repeatedly warn against so as not to incur the same punishment? He warned against hardening your heart and about unbelief.
·         How do you think the warnings in Hebrews 3:12–15 apply to us? I think it applies to us today because if we have doubts or disbeliefs and we aren’t being active to remedy those beliefs, then we will be hardened and not allowed into His rest.
·         List the counsel found in Hebrews 4 that will help a person enter into the rest of the Lord. Believe, ceased from own works as God did, be without sin, have mercy and grace.

·         How do Matthew 7:21–23; John 7:17; James 1:22 help in understanding how the word needs to be “mixed with faith”? (Hebrews 4:2–3). This is talking about saying one thing and doing another, so they are mixed with faith because there is a disconnect between words and actions. 

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