


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Visiting Teaching: Truly Inspired

I cannot even begin to express how full my heart is today. The Sabbath is such a wonderful day. I was blessed to have an incredible Sacrament meeting where I was uplifted and was able to partake of the Sacrament--renewing my covenants with my Father in Heaven. The rest of church was also especially great.
Today I also had the chance to go visit two incredible daughters of God--Leah and McKinzie--with my wonderful visiting teaching companion, Alley. It is remarkable how my spirits can be lifted even higher from the very beginning. These three girls are some seriously magnificent women and I am truly blessed to be able to interact with them. Their positive attitudes and their love for the Savior never cease to impress me and make me want to be better.
Relief Society is seriously incredible. All these women come together, and through their love of God, are able to be lifted and find the strength to carry not only their own burdens, but the burdens of those around them. Such strength and comfort comes from knowing there is such an immense amount of love with those women, and I feel truly blessed to be a part of it. I love how beautiful each and every woman is when they look to the Savior and try to emulate His life.
We each have a role to play in this life; our roles are big and small, but each is extremely vital. Together we have the chance to lift and fortify every person that we come in contact with.
Today I have been reminded of my responsibility to help others to come to know Christ and I hope that in some small way I can help those I interact with to feel of the love that their Savior and Father have for them.
I am so grateful to be a woman, in this church, at this time, and have the chance to know such wonderful people.
Christ lives! And He loves you, in a way that you cannot begin to imagine. Go out and remember how blessed you are; see the beauty in those around you and lift them up! It is a wonderful day, today. We are so very blessed!

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