


Friday, May 4, 2012

Shanari Baird: The world's greatest best friend!

To start things off, life can be really, really hard, as I am sure many are brutally aware. Lately I have realized that I am deeply struggling with the fact that I have no idea where I am going in life. Simple as it may seem, not having a destination can do things to a girl. You wouldn't think it was that big of a deal, but the endless questions of "what do you want to study", "what is your dream job" and so on, are really starting to weigh me down. I feel like I am so young and naive and completely lost. I'm in an open field with paths leading in numberless directions and I am sitting in the middle of it, having NO idea where I want to go. That really bothers me. How am I ever supposed to get there if I don't know where I'm going? The paths are all so daunting and I feel small, insignificant and misplaced. I look around and see people everywhere, determined as they walk briskly and effortlessly on a chosen path to some tangible, known destination. They continue to move and progress while I seem to become invisible and lonely--wanting to move forward but not knowing which way to go. I try to have faith and patience and trust that Heavenly Father has a plan for me--that everything will work out--but sometimes it just brings me down that everyone around me seems to be so in control of their lives and I'm sitting here, waiting to figure out where I want to go. I desperately hope that soon enough I'll figure out who I am and where I am going in life. Is it normal for me to be so lost at this point in my life? Is it unusual that this lack of knowledge is bothering me so much? Because it honestly is making me crazy; my mood is oscillating and I can't seem to control it. I just need something stable in my life, something that is constant, something that I know where I'm going with it.

A best friend: someone that builds you up when you're at your lowest of lows. One that stay by your side no matter what. A person that makes you better. That one that you can go to with no reservation or fear.
Shanari: consistency, surety, strength. 
Shanari Ann Baird is the most incredible best friend out there! I have to express how truly blessed I am. It is amazing how much she is able to lift my mood and make me realize my worth with a simple phone call--even when she is struggling herself. I never cease to be amazed by how truly beautiful this wonderful woman is. She sets such a great example for me and really helps me to see what I want to be like. I'm really impressed at how much she lets those around her know that they are cared for. It has been really crazy and somewhat difficult being back home, but I cannot stress enough how wonderful and natural it feels to finally get to see this best friend of mine again. She is one that I know will understand what I am feeling and the trials I'm facing. I know I can always count on her to build me up and give me hope. I'm so incredibly grateful that after all these years, we can still go to one another and feel just as close. This girl is truly amazing and I couldn't be more blessed with a best friend. Shanari, I love you so much! This is the girl that when I think of her, I know where we're going. We will never stop being friends through whatever changes come in life. She is the constant that I need and today I couldn't love her any more. 

I hope that you, too, are blessed with a best friend like I am. When times are chaotic and you can't seem to find your footing, I hope you can go to your best friend and find balance. I know that even though I'm frustrated with my lack of a destination in life right now, at least I am on this journey with my very best friend and wouldn't have it any other way. 

1 comment:

  1. I know I sent you a text about this a week or so ago, but I just wanted to let you know again about how much this means to me. It makes me smile to consider how I was feeling the exact same way towards you when you wrote this; your words exactly mirror the thoughts of my heart. I'm so grateful to have someone so great as you in my life and will love you forever.
