


Monday, October 8, 2012

Society and the Family

This week we learned a lot about how society impacts the family and how the family impacts society. To be honest, I never really thought about how social class or our cultural background affect how our families are. We talked about how those in the lower social class can have some serious family problems, but then again so can those in the upper class. We concluded that it isn't as much about how much money you have, but rather how much focus on money you have. We must keep our focus on our Savior, Jesus Christ, and on our families.
We also read about a study done on Mexican immigrant families. I never realized how taxing that would be on a family. They are torn out of their network with their extended family and many of the roles played in the family system are disrupted.--forcing members of the family to take on new roles. A lot of tension is created when this happens and gaps grow wider between generations. It's really eye-opening to see how many different things affect the family, no wonder families are suffering so much today.
I just find it so interesting to learn about culture and how the culture of your family is different than other families. I think it's important to recognize these things so that we can be aware and make changes in our families to better the lives of our children and our family as a whole.

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