


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Waiting Game

So much of life is spent waiting.
Waiting in a line; waiting at the doctor's office; waiting to turn 16; waiting for a date; waiting to get married, to have children. We look forward to certain times in our lives--when things will finally be how we want them and we'll be happy. I've contemplated this idea for some time. A man once told me that the best advice he ever received--something that really changed him--was to be happy wherever you are in life. Those events or times you look forward to, they will come; but find happiness and joy now. He told me he has really tried to live by that and it has enabled him to have a full and rich life.

With that said, I clearly need to change some things.
My life seems to be a waiting game. I'm waiting to get a job, waiting for my internship to start, waiting for Derek to get home, waiting for my darn stubborn hormone levels to go down, and waiting until we can try for a baby again. (I guess many of you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. If you're a little confused try reading this, if you're completely shocked and confused then follow the previous link, but give the hyperlink in that post a read as well (the hyperlink is sad experience, I think).) Things seem to be changing very slowly with me, medically speaking. Which, to some degree is comforting given all that could happen that would rapidly alter my reality. But still, it makes me fear the cause of my very slow return to normalcy and how it will affect things in the future. I yearn for my body to respond normally and to no longer have to sit and wait for 30 minutes to over an hour just to have my blood drawn in less than a minute...every...single....week. I yearn for the time when Derek and I can create a precious new life and to finally hold that bundle of perfection in our arms. But today, I must listen to those words and stop waiting.
Today is a beautiful day to start living.

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