


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Adding a New Word to my Vocab: Chemotherapy

I walked into my room this morning after getting my weekly blood draw, planning to make my bed and start the laundry. I looked at Derek's pillow and wondered why it was in such a weird position. Then I remembered. He knows I like to have his body pressed against my back while I'm sleeping. When he left for work this morning, he moved his pillow there to give me some comfort while he was away. What a sweet husband I have.
Later in the day I realized that I had a missed call from my OB/GYN's office. I listened to the voicemail to find out it was the doctor himself....not too common that he is the one to call me. It said to call him back on his direct line (gave me the number) and that he needed to talk to me soon.
My heart started racing, my breathing sped up, my stomach dropped, my hands got cold and sweaty.I knew it couldn't be good news if he was in such a rush to talk to me. Had my levels gone up? Were things really bad? Was I going to be okay? I called him back and he told me he was with a patient but would call me in about 10 minutes. I laid in bed, waiting and worrying for at least 30 minutes. Finally the phone rang; I felt like I could throw up.
He talked about how it had been 3 months since my D&C and that although my levels were still dropping, he was concerned. He consulted with his gynecologist/oncologist buddy and they didn't feel comfortable just continuing on the plan we had (to have my levels checked weekly until they went to 0), they were going down too slowly. Although he told me it was not technically "cancer" by definition, the cells were not acting normally and we needed to "aggressively eradicate" them. He told me I would need to get a shot called Methotrexate--chemotherapy. He said that the tissue was so small you probably wouldn't even be able to pick it up on an ultrasound or an MRI, but it still needed to be taken care of. He said it should only take one shot and my HCG levels should go down rapidly after that, but I'll have to get them checked again next week and could need a second shot. He said it will be a low dosage, so I shouldn't have too many side-effects, but it could cause nausea, vomiting, tiredness, and dry mouth (YAY!) With my luck, it'll make me as sick as a dog.
I have to go in tomorrow morning to have my blood drawn to do a CBC, wait at the doctor's office for like an hour to an hour and a half while they get the results, and then I would get my nice cancer-fighting shot.
A word to the wise, don't look medical stuff up on the internet...it just makes you freak out. A lot.
I'm sure things will be fine, and hopefully this is the beginning of the end of all my medical difficulties (or at least the current ones).
All I have to say is...I better still have my hair after this is done!

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