


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Beginning of my Pregnancy Journey

Saturday, August 8th, 2015

Today I am four weeks pregnant!! I still can hardly believe it. I started crying at about 12:15 a.m. on Thursday when I saw a very light, positive pregnancy test.

I thought I should do something more exciting to tell Derek than just waking him up like last time. But, once again, I couldn't wait. When I got home from work that night, I came home to these:

What a sweet husband I have. Well, I took another test today, just to be sure. 
I was feeling worried about the pregnancy tests not being as dark as I remember it being last time, then I remembered that I likely could have had a much higher HCG level than normal last time, so maybe it's a good sign that it isn't so dark.
Every time I go to the bathroom I'm nervous I'll have started my period, but thankfully I still haven't! It feels so unreal--and I haven't noticed too many differences yet. I do feel like I smell EVERYTHING, though (which was the case last time, as well). Luckily I'm not feeling sick, yet, let's pray that continues to be the case. We're praying every day that things will develop properly this time around. I'll be calling the doctor on Monday to see when I need to start coming in to get my blood checked and whatever else they're going to do given my situation. Anyway, not too much more to report at this point. We are VERY excited to be parents, and so hopeful that things will go smoothly this time.
I haven't told a single soul yet (aside from Derek, obviously). I'm pretty impressed with myself. I am terrible about keeping secrets! We'll see how long I last!

Saturday, August 15th, 2015

Today I am officially 5 weeks pregnant! And I've already had my first two doctor's appointment. I called on Monday and didn't hear back until Tuesday at some point. A part of me felt silly when the nurse said, "It sounds like you have some exciting news!" All I could say was, "we hope so." She/Dr. Evans wanted me to come in that day to get my blood checked. Derek was working all day (thus I had no car), so I was nervous trying to figure out how I would get there--especially without telling anyone why I needed to go to the Women's Clinic, and my good friend in the ward was out of town! Thankfully my wonderful neighbor let me borrow her car and off I went. It was uneventful, they drew my blood and said they'd call with the results and that Dr. Evans guessed the next step would be an ultrasound.
The next day, Wednesday, I received a call from some other nurse than the one I usually speak with (Dr. Evans' head nurse, Nita). She said they wanted me to come in for an ultrasound tomorrow. That made me a little nervous because I didn't know why it was such a rush. I asked how my numbers looked, she didn't seem to know, but I could hear Nita in the background saying they looked good. Anyway, I had to majorly rearrange my schedule so I could fit in the doctor's appointment.
Even with all my pleading, Derek wasn't able to get work off, so I had to go to the first ultrasound on my own. I was unbearably nervous. When they called my name and I went back, I was feeling so sick--not sure if this was the beginning of morning sickness, or just my nerves. I got changed and the ultrasound tech came back and said, "So we're just following up on everything again?" My heart sank....and again, I almost felt silly for thinking things could really be happening. I hesitantly replied, "Well....I'm almost a week late on my period......*mumble mumble*" Her face lit up, "OH!" I was surprised that she didn't know, and she re-looked at my chart and found the note in there. We laughed, mine with a nervous hint.
Finally I couldn't keep it in. I asked her what we should expect to see, especially since it's so early. I didn't want to be blindsided like last time, especially since I was here on my own. She said we MIGHT see the beginnings of a sac, but not necessarily. I clarified that if we didn't, it didn't mean something was wrong, and she confirmed it. I felt a little more at peace. She started doing the ultrasound and the TV monitor wasn't on. I wanted to see it! I said, "no monitor this time?" She sounded a little nervous and said, "I wanted to see what I was looking at first.......but okay," and she turned it on. There I saw the most tiny black dot--the small sac my baby would hopefully grow in.
She said it was so little (because I'm so early) that the machine wouldn't even give her a due date based on the measurements, but she said I was measuring about 5 weeks, give or take 10 days. Haha. She just used my last period to calculate and currently the due date is April 16th!

The rest of the ultrasound was pretty uneventful. I asked a lot of questions and she was nice and put up with me. She said Dr. Evans was out, but that he would likely want weekly ultrasounds at least until we see a heartbeat and we might as well schedule it for next week, and we can always cancel if he didn't think we needed it. She started talking like we could set one up for Monday, but I wanted to give it more time. We scheduled my next appointment for this coming Friday so both Derek and I could be there. I continued to question her about what we should be able to see at that point. She didn't really seem to want to give definite answers, but said, mostly we want to see growth, that things are progressing, and we should at least see a yolk sac most likely by that point. I was satisfied and went on my way.
I got called the next day saying Dr. Evans wanted to wait until the following Wednesday to do the ultrasound so he could meet with me afterwards, I told her that I really couldn't make Wednesdays work (both Derek and I work all day). After looong waits, we decided to keep the scheduled ultrasound and to schedule another one the following Friday where we would then meet with Dr. Evans as well.
My little sister and her hubby come into town today. We're having to hide a bunch of stuff to try to keep our happy little secret.
Keep growing, my little one!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Today I am 6 weeks pregnant. Let's just say it's been a much harder week. Morning sickness hit me like a train at full speed and I wasn't handling it well. I didn't work almost the whole week and was having a really rough time. It has been an emotional week and I've been trying to keep my composure, but I'll be honest, I'm a wimp and don't handle this very well. I think it's also hard because it seems like we/I haven't allowed myself to get as excited as last time (don't get me wrong, I'm still thrilled), just until we're more sure things are developing as they should be.
Well, yesterday I talked with my boss about my schedule and how I didn't know if I was going to be able to handle everything. Thankfully he was very understanding and cut my work load down, but I think I might have to cut it down even more. I guess we'll see.
Yesterday we had our second ultrasound! This was a fun one! We saw a teeny tiny little peanut who has a heartbeat! That was such a blessing to see. We're excited to see as our little one continues to grow and develop! Right now they call it our "diamond ring," since all we can really see is the heart and the yolk sac. The little dot on the left is the heart, and the right circle is the yolk sac.

Today was Clarrissa and Christian's second reception. I was REALLY not feeling well, but trying my best not to show it. I have a feeling my family is starting to suspect something is up. I guess we'll see!
Anyway, really not much more to report this week other than....UGH my body hates me! Haha. Until next week!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 

Wow, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last wrote on this thing! I had another ultrasound on the 28th which was really fun! We got to see the growing peanut and see little limbs starting to form! Heartbeat was going strong which is always relieving to see. It feels like it's been forever since we've been to the doctor, even though it really hasn't. Head is in the upper right, with the little body going down the left side.

I met with Dr. Evans after this ultrasound and he honestly didn't really say much. He said he was so excited for us and talked about how he had been so worried about me when this journey started, but is so glad to see where they're going now. And that was pretty much it. He said we should schedule our first "official" appointment (the one between 9 and 12 weeks) and then we'd keep going from there.

I have been SO sick. It was getting worse and worse each week and I was in bad shape. I couldn't keep anything down, losing weight, becoming really dehydrated. Finally, this past Sunday I went in to urgent care and got an IV. I have been feeling much better since then and surprisingly haven't thrown up since then, which is like a huge improvement.
Oh, p.s. I'm 9 weeks now.
We get to see our little peanut on Thursday and then we're headed off to Oregon! I am sooo nervous for this ultrasound, but also excited. I can't stop thinking about different things I want to do in regards to the birth and having a newborn and everything. It's all exciting times, especially now that I'm not puking my guts up all the time.
We've told our families now, we couldn't keep lying to them, plus they were all suspecting anyway, especially given I was sleeping like half the day away. I still don't have much energy, but I'm working my way there and even though I'm pretty sure everyone would say my stomach is still flat, I am feeling so bulgey in my stomach and it feels like it's already sticking out to me.
All I keep doing is rubbing my belly and saying, "keep growing, little one!"

Tuesday, October 5, 2015

I'm now officially 12 weeks. Well, once again, I slacked at staying updated. The last month hasn't been as easy as I hoped. It's been BETTER, but even today I have already thrown up twice, so I'm not in the clear yet.
Well we had our first official appointment. I was so unbelievably nervous for this ultrasound. I would be past the point when I had lost the last one, and knew we'd be leaving straight from there to go to Oregon, so if it was bad news, I'd just have to deal with it for a while. I was feeling so sick in the waiting room, but I wore mascara (nonwaterproof) to try to be optimistic.
I couldn't really see the heartbeat in the baby, but it was like we had a little dancing bean in there, so it was clearly living. I almost started to cry because I felt so relieved. We had never seen our baby move around before and it is a really cool experience.

Then we got taken back and they start giving me all this stuff and asking me questions about genetic testing and on and on. It was all surreal. Finally I met with Dr. Allred, the other OBGYN at the clinic, and we talked to him about some questions we had and where we'd go from here. He said he'd like to have another ultrasound done before the anatomy scan, just to make sure the placenta isn't taking over and, of course, they'd keep track of my HCG levels. They drew my blood and we were on our way to Oregon.

While in Oregon my sister gave me her doppler and we tried to hear the heartbeat for the first time and were able to find it. Another way cool experience. We had seen it moving, but never heard it before. Loved it!

I got a call about a week later saying that my HCG levels were on the "high side of normal" so they wanted me to come in for another ultrasound. I told them I had one scheduled for the 15th, but they said they wanted me to come in the next week (this past Tuesday, the 29th).
Once again, I was so very nervous, of course my levels would be high.
Well the ultrasound check was kinda surprised to see me again, and they had taken out my fat file and made just a pregnancy one, so she didn't have all the background info anymore, but we started the ultrasound anything.
I started to panic when I didn't see Baby moving on the screen, but then she moved the wand and the little thing jumped like it was scared! I guess that woke him/her up! It was so cute to see this ultrasound, and I feel like I fell more in love with our little baby. We hadn't really seen the profile yet, it had been too small or the hand had been up by the face, blocking our view, but we got this adorable view, and I think our baby has the cutest nose!

Then the tech was looking at my file, looking at my levels and what is normal, while still holding the wand on my stomach. I started laughing and she looked at me saying, "are these numbers funny?" I pointed at the screen and this is what we saw:

I don't know why, but I just thought it was so funny, Baby just wanted to show us a little leg :)
Anyway, they drew my blood again and the next day told me the doc is much more comfortable with where my levels are at! Hooray!
We're getting more and more excited as time goes on, and we're so grateful for all the support.
Here's the beginning of my belly bump :)

I'm still having trouble eating enough, and I've lost weight. I'm excited to start gaining and to keep watching our little one grow!

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