


Sunday, December 9, 2012

No! No! No! Go!

This week the topic was sexual intimacy. I was really surprised with how interesting this topic was and how much I learned. I really love when sexual relations are talked about in light of God's plan and how it should be, instead of just that it's bad--which isn't the case at all! I loved how my professor addressed some flaws LDS culture (I guess that's a little ironic). In the LDS culture, what we're too often taught comes off as sexuality being bad (instead of sacred and not appropriate at the time), and then we get married and are expected to just GO (hence the title of this blog)! Brother Williams talked about how we don't need to rush things even after we get married and we discussed what this bond really is about.
We also talked about how people too often think that a good sex life is what majorly contributes to a happy marriage. Sure, it's a factor, but it isn't as big as many think. And it's more of a thermometer (according to our book)...generally if the marriage is going well, the physical intimacy will be going well, if the marriage isn't going well, neither will the physical intimacy. I think that's because it is SO much more than just being physical, it's really uniting two people and an expression of love, so if you aren't showing your love in other ways, then the physical intimacy won't be as satisfying.
We also talked about affairs! It never occurred to me how much really is cheating. We discussed the emotional detached and attached involvement and the physical detached and attached involvement. We also read about a newly married woman who didn't realized she was emotionally attached to another man and that this was infidelity. She was so upset and never wanted to compromise anything with her husband. She realized she had to change the way she thought and her actions. We have to be really careful about what we're doing and how we interact with people of the opposite sex. We do not want to be unfaithful and cause problems in our marriages.

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